Frequently Asked Questions
Is PMO open during the summer?
No. PMO is not currently available during the summer.
This is my child's first experience away from me. What should I do?
It's only natural that children may be a little hesitant without their parents for the first time. We will provide your child with distractions and comfort to help him/her adjust to the new surroundings. If he/she is having a really rough time of it on any given day, we'll give you a call. If you're ever curious how your child is doing, feel free to call and we can give you an update.
What happens while I'm away?
We will provide age-appropriate activities to occupy and engage your child while he/she is at PMO. We will sing songs, make crafts, read stories, have snack, etc. If you have ideas of activities your child would really enjoy, please share.​
What is the ratio of children to adults?
PMO follows the Illinois DCFS Childcare ratio guidelines.
6 weeks - 15 months 4:1
15 months - 2 years 5:1
2 - 3 years 8:1
3 - 4 years 10:1
5 years and up 20:1
Please note that our staff scheduling is based on attendance and on maintaining appropriate ratios in each class. If your child is near the age cutoff in a classroom, it may be necessary for us to shift him/her to the next class on a given day.
I love PMO; Why can my child only come 10 hours per week?
The IL Department of Children and Family Services stipulates that children may not attend a Part-Day childcare program for more than 10 hours per week (section 377.4). You are welcome to schedule your child's 10 hours however is convenient for you.
How do I pay?​
All payments must be made at the time of a child's drop off. Staff will be present to accept payment by cash, check, or credit card. Change will be provided, and no credit card fee will be charged. Checks should be made payable to "OFFUMC" with "PMO" and the child's name in the memo line.
How does the waitlist work?​
Via our reservation site, you can add your child to the waitlist for a session that is full. You will receive an email if a space becomes available.
My child is potty training. What should I do for PMO?
If your child is potty training, be sure to provide an extra set of clothes, in case accidents happen. We will provide frequent reminders and encouragement during this exciting time of development.
What is the difference between PMO and Preschool?
The Learning Tree Preschool & Parents' Morning Out Programs share similar missions, values, and procedures, but each also maintains it's own defining characteristics. Preschool is offered in a set schedule at a monthly cost. PMO is offered in a flexible schedule at a set daily cost.
Have more questions?
Give us a call!
Good to Know
Better safe...
Your child's safety is our first priority. PMO Teachers are background checked and CPR certified.
Our facility is certified by the Health Department for serving food to your children, and meals are prepared by a certified food handler.
Let it snow!

In case of inclement weather, PMO follows the O'Fallon District 90 cancellations.
10 hours

By direction of the Department of Children and Family Services, each child may attend PMO no more than 10 hours per week.
Sneak Peek?

If you'd like to take a tour of our facility, please stop by anytime. Just come to the church office, and the staff will direct you.